Learn about Shofar in Elul here. What are Selichot? Are women obligated to recite them? Do they require a minyan?
Learn about Shofar in Elul here. What are Selichot? Are women obligated to recite them? Do they require a minyan?
Back to Kiddush I: Obligation Can someone eat before kiddush? Does a woman recite or respond to she-hechiyyanu in Yom
Quels sont les bénéfices des femmes directement engagées dans les textes halakhiques ? Une introduction à Deracheha. Écrit par Laurie
Back to Inclusion in the Miracle What is the nature of women’s obligation in megilla? Who constitutes a quorum for
Back to Keri’at Ha-Torah I: The Reading What purpose do the berachot over keri’at ha-Torah serve, how are they structured,
Back to Communal Prayer I: Minyan What is the nature of communal prayer? What is the role of Shaliach Tzibbur,
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