Dedicated in Loving Memory of Beatrice Chernev
Shabbat and Yom Tov
- What is the mitzva of Shabbat and Yom Tov Candles? Who lights what where? Candle-Lighting I: Who, What, Where
- At what time do we light candles? How does this relate to accepting Shabbat? What is the optimal procedure for lighting? Candle-Lighting II: When and How
- What is the mitzva of kiddush on Shabbat and Yom Tov, at night and during the day? What is a woman’s obligation? How should a couple handle kiddush during nidda? Kiddush I: Obligation
- Can someone eat before kiddush? Does a woman recite or respond to she-hechiyyanu in Yom Tov kiddush? Does Prayer affect the ability to discharge others’ obligations? Kiddush II: Practical Issues
- What is the obligation to eat Shabbat and Yom Tov meals? How does it apply to women? Where do sueda shelishit and melaveh malka fit in? Shabbat and Yom Tov Meals
- What are the halachot of managing menstrual pain, cleaning off blood, and using menstrual products on Shabbat? Menstruation & Shabbat
- What consistencies of skincare or haircare products—oils, creams, etc.—are permissible to apply on Shabbat? Cosmetics on Shabbat I: Types of Product
- Is it permissible to use scented or enriched products on Shabbat? What are the parameters of using skincare products for healing on Shabbat?Cosmetics on Shabbat II: Scent and Healing
- What are the halachot of using makeup on Shabbat? Cosmetics on Shabbat III: Makeup
- What are the halachot of removing makeup on Shabbat? How can one handle cosmetics and Friday night immersion? Cosmetics on Shabbat IV: Makeup Removal and Mikveh
- What is the nature of the mitzva of simchat yom tov (rejoicing on a festival)? What is a woman’s obligation in it? Simchat Yom Tov
- What is the mitzva of havdala? Are women obligated in it? May a woman recite havdala for herself or others? Havdala
Rosh Chodesh
- What makes Rosh Chodesh a women’s holiday? How does that affect its observance? Rosh Chodesh
- What is Hallel? When is it recited and why? When are women obligated to recite it? Hallel
- What is the nature of the mussaf offering? How is it related to the mussaf prayer? Are women obligated to recite tefillat mussaf? Tefillat Mussaf
- At the seder, are women obligated in eating matza and maror? In drinking the four cups? The Seder: Part I
- Are women obligated to recline? To tell the story of yetzi’at Mitzrayim? The Seder: Part II
- What is the principle of af hen hayu be-oto ha-nes? When and how does it obligate women in mitzvot? Af Hen: Inclusion in the Miracle
- What is Hallel? When is it recited and why? When are women obligated to recite it? Hallel
- What is the mitzva of kiddush on Shabbat and Yom Tov, at night and during the day? What is a woman’s obligation? How should a couple handle kiddush during nidda? Kiddush I: Obligation
- Can someone eat before kiddush? Does a woman recite or respond to she-hechiyyanu in Yom Tov kiddush? Does Prayer affect the ability to discharge others’ obligations? Kiddush II: Practical Issues
- What is the nature of the mussaf offering? How is it related to the mussaf prayer? Are women obligated to recite tefillat mussaf? Tefillat Mussaf
- What is the nature of the mitzva of simchat yom tov (rejoicing on a festival)? What is a woman’s obligation in it? Simchat Yom Tov
- What is the mitzva of havdala? Are women obligated in it? May a woman recite havdala for herself or others? Havdala
- What is the nature of the mitzva to count the omer? Are women obligated? How do the customs of this time period apply to women? Sefirat Ha-omer
- What is the source of the custom to stay up late to learn Torah on Shavuot? Does it apply to women? Tikkun Leil Shavuot
- What is Hallel? When is it recited and why? When are women obligated to recite it? Hallel
- What is the mitzva of kiddush on Shabbat and Yom Tov, at night and during the day? What is a woman’s obligation? How should a couple handle kiddush during nidda? Kiddush I: Obligation
- Can someone eat before kiddush? Does a woman recite or respond to she-hechiyyanu in Yom Tov kiddush? Does Prayer affect the ability to discharge others’ obligations? Kiddush II: Practical Issues
- What is the nature of the mussaf offering? How is it related to the mussaf prayer? Are women obligated to recite tefillat mussaf? Tefillat Mussaf
- What is the nature of the mitzva of simchat yom tov (rejoicing on a festival)? What is a woman’s obligation in it? Simchat Yom Tov
- What is the mitzva of havdala? Are women obligated in it? May a woman recite havdala for herself or others? Havdala
Fast Days
Fast days and the three weeks are periods of affliction or mourning practices. To what extent do these practices apply to women?
- When do we fast and why? What is the level of obligation on each fast day? Who is obligated? Fast Days
- Must all Jewish women fast on the minor fast days? What if a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding? Postpartum or after pregnancy loss? Exemption from Minor Fasts
- Must all Jewish women fast on the minor fast days? What if a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding? Postpartum or after pregnancy loss? Exemption From Major Fasts
- What mourning practices apply as we approach Tish’a Be-Av? Do they have particular relevance for women? The 3 Weeks and the 9 Days
- Why do we blow shofar in Elul? Should a woman make an effort to hear it? Shofar in Elul
- What are Selichot? Are women obligated to recite them? Do they require a minyan? Selichot
Rosh Ha-Shana
- What is the mitzva of shofar? Are women obligated in it? What are the practical halachot involved? The Mitzva of Shofar
- Who blows shofar for whom? Blowing Shofar
- What is the mitzva of kiddush on Shabbat and Yom Tov, at night and during the day? What is a woman’s obligation? How should a couple handle kiddush during nidda? Kiddush I: Obligation
- Can someone eat before kiddush? Does a woman recite or respond to she-hechiyyanu in Yom Tov kiddush? Does Prayer affect the ability to discharge others’ obligations? Kiddush II: Practical Issues
- What is the nature of the mussaf offering? How is it related to the mussaf prayer? Are women obligated to recite tefillat mussaf? Tefillat Mussaf
- What is the nature of the mitzva of simchat yom tov (rejoicing on a festival)? What is a woman’s obligation in it? Simchat Yom Tov
- What is the mitzva of havdala? Are women obligated in it? May a woman recite havdala for herself or others? Havdala
Yom Kippur
- What are the the mitzvot and customs of Erev Yom Kippur? Why are they significant? How do they apply to women? Erev Yom Kippur
- See more under Fast Days
- What is the nature of the mussaf offering? How is it related to the mussaf prayer? Are women obligated to recite tefillat mussaf? Tefillat Mussaf
- What is the mitzva of havdala? Are women obligated in it? May a woman recite havdala for herself or others? Havdala
- What is the mitzva of taking arba’at ha-minim and how does it apply to women? Sukkot I: Lulav
- What is the mitzva of dwelling in the sukka and how does it apply to women? Sukkot II: Sukka
Simchat Torah
- How should a Sefer Torah be treated? May women handle it? Contact with a Sefer Torah
- How did the custom of dancing with a Sefer Torah on Simchat Torah come about? How can women celebrate during the hakafot? Dancing with a Torah
- What are the halachot of women and keri’at ha-Torah? See our series, beginning here: Keri’at Ha-Torah I: The Reading
- What is Hallel? When is it recited and why? When are women obligated to recite it? Hallel
- What is the mitzva of kiddush on Shabbat and Yom Tov, at night and during the day? What is a woman’s obligation? How should a couple handle kiddush during nidda? Kiddush I: Obligation
- Can someone eat before kiddush? Does a woman recite or respond to she-hechiyyanu in Yom Tov kiddush? Does Prayer affect the ability to discharge others’ obligations? Kiddush II: Practical Issues
- What is the nature of the mussaf offering? How is it related to the mussaf prayer? Are women obligated to recite tefillat mussaf? Tefillat Mussaf
- What is the nature of the mitzva of simchat yom tov (rejoicing on a festival)? What is a woman’s obligation in it? Simchat Yom Tov
- What is the mitzva of havdala? Are women obligated in it? May a woman recite havdala for herself or others? Havdala
- What is the principle of af hen hayu be-oto ha-nes? When and how does it obligate women in mitzvot? Af Hen: Inclusion in the Miracle
- Does a woman light her own Chanuka candles? When does she light for others? Chanuka I: Candle-Lighting
- What other observances of Chanuka are special to women? Are women obligated to recite Hallel on Chanuka? Chanuka II: Other Observances
- What is Hallel? When is it recited and why? When are women obligated to recite it? Hallel
From megilla reading to mishlo’ach manot and beyond, what are women’s practical obligations on Purim?
- What is the principle of af hen hayu be-oto ha-nes? When and how does it obligate women in mitzvot? Af Hen: Inclusion in the Miracle
- What are the four special Torah readings? Why do we read them and who must hear them? Are women obligated to hear Parashat Zachor?Arba Parashiyot
- What are the mitzvot of Purim aside from megilla reading? What are women’s obligations in them? Mitzvot of Purim
- What is the nature of a woman’s obligation in megilla? For whom may women read megilla? Megilla Reading