Dedicated in Loving Memory of Ethel K. Adlerstein
What are the benefits of women engaging directly with halachic texts?
Overall Status
Are men and women equal? Was gender hierarchy built into Creation?
Halachic Status
In what types of cases are men’s and women’s obligations the same?
Positive Time-Bound Mitzvot
Why are women exempt from some mitzvot? Is this a matter of identity?
Voluntary Performance
Is performing a mitzva permissible when women are exempt? How is it meaningful?
Beracha on Voluntary Performance
May a woman recite a beracha over voluntary mitzva performance? Why?
Three Mitzvot:
The Group
The Group
Why do challa, candle-lighting, and nidda form a group? Why does this matter?
Three Mitzvot:
The Mitzvot
The Mitzvot
What does the significance of each of the three mitzvot add to our understanding?
Discharging Another's Obligations
Who can discharge another’s mitzva obligations? How does this work?
Discharging Obligations In Practice
What does the significance of each of the three mitzvot add to our understanding?
An Introduction
An Introduction
Is tzeniut more physical or conceptual? Is it inherently social? Or female?
Halacha, A user's Guide I: Oral Torah
What is the Oral Torah? How has it been transmitted?
Halacha, a user's guide II: chazal's toolkit
How did our sages derive Halacha from the Torah? What tools did they use, and how did they work?