Deracheha is an initiative of Yeshivat Har Etzion
in partnership with the Israel Koschitzky Virtual Beit Midrash
and the Stella K. Abraham Beit Midrash For Women – Migdal Oz
Deracheha’s name was inspired by a pasuk in Mishlei: “Deracheha darchei no’am, ve-chol netivoteha shalom.” “Her ways are pleasant ways and all her paths are peace.”
In this pasuk, the Torah’s ways are “her ways.” is the meeting point of the Torah’s ways and a woman’s.
Jewish women, and our communities as a whole, need greater understanding of halachot pertaining to women.
Understanding Halacha has a positive impact on halachic commitment and practice, and raises the level of our communal discussion.
Halacha is a guide for living, rich in nuance and alive to its adherents. It is responsive to religious intuitions and spiritual aspirations. It is much more than a black or white bottom line.
Deracheha presents Halacha accurately and respectfully, in a woman’s voice.
We explore a range of halachic voices as clearly and thoroughly as possible, leaving room for each reader to find a place within it.
We don’t advocate, we educate. We are passionate about informing you about Halacha, without telling you what to think.
Read more about why we think its important for women to engage directly with halachic texts in our Introduction.
- To grant women access to halachic discourse.
- To build a community of learners.
- To raise the caliber of halachic discussion and mitzva observance.
This Site
Our content grows regularly, with topics organized in four sections:
Concepts: Halachic Foundations
Constants: Daily Practice
Seasons: The Jewish Calendar
Passages: The Life-Cycle
For each topic, the IN BRIEF tab provides a summary.
The IN DEPTH tab presents guided source study and textual analysis to help readers understand the issues on a deeper level. By clicking on highlighted questions, readers access discussion of different perspectives on the issues, to help relate the sources under discussion to real life practice.
The SOURCES tab provides a source sheet to further facilitate learning.
Q&A contains common questions and answers.
The PODCAST tab provides an audio shiur and related episodes from our Kol Deracheha Podcast.
Our Ask and Q&A pages provide opportunities for visitors to the site to add to this discussion and learn from each other. Stay tuned for more interactive features to come…
Unless otherwise noted, site content has been drafted by Site Director and Head Writer Laurie Novick, and reviewed by at least one member of our editorial team and by Halacha Editor-In-Chief Rav Ezra Bick.
To learn even more about the thinking behind Deracheha, check out this video podcast with Aish Uk!
Deracheha Team
More from Laurie:
- From HaMizrachi
- From The New York Jewish Week
- From The Times of Israel
- From Tradition
- From TraditionOnline
- From The Lehrhaus
- Aish UK Podcast on “Women and Jewish Law.”
- Koren Podcast on Halacha and Modern Orthodoxy.
More from Ilana:
More from Shayna:
- Shayna’s Book, What Do You Really Want
- Hyperlinked list of all of Shayna’s shiurim and writings available online!
- From The Times of Israel
- From The Lehrhaus
- From The Orthodox Forum
Former Staff: Rachel Weber Leshaw, Ora Ziring
Thank you to everyone whose insights or support have helped bring this project to fruition.
Former Team Members: Rachel Weber Leshaw, DIRECTOR OF DIGITAL CONTENT; Sarah Davis Rudolph, EDITOR-AT-LARGE; Debbie Zimmerman, STAFF WRITER.
Special thanks to Colin Mackenzie of Mackenzie Solutions and Adena Fraser for XML consulting.
Yeshivat Har Etzion
Rav Baruch Gigi, Rosh Yeshivat Har Etzion
Rav Mosheh Lichtenstein, Rosh Yeshivat Har Etzion
Rav Yaakov Medan, Rosh Yeshivat Har Etzion
The Israel Koschitzky Virtual Beit Midrash
Rav Ezra Bick, Ram Yeshivat Har Etzion, VBM Director
Rav Reuven Ziegler, VBM Editor-In-Chief
The Stella K. Abraham Beit Midrash for Women – Migdal Oz
Rabbanit Esti Rosenberg, Rosh Beit Midrash Migdal Oz
Deracheha is supported by a grant from the Arev Fund.
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