What is the source of the custom to stay up late to learn Torah on Shavuot? Does it apply to women?
In Brief
Why should someone stay up to learn Torah on Shavuot night?
According to the Zohar, the pious learn Torah on Shavuot night in order to adorn (le-taken) kenesset Yisrael, the metaphysical essence of the Jewish people past and present, with Torah, in preparation for her wedding with God. That wedding is renewing the covenant of Sinai, which takes place on Shavuot.
There is also a more straightforward explanation. A midrash states that God found benei Yisrael asleep when it was time to give Israel the Torah. Magen Avraham suggests that this shortcoming demands rectification (tikkun), when we receive the Torah anew each Shavuot.
What is studied?
Building on a description found in the Zohar, Arizal lays out a program of study, known as tikkun leil Shavuot, that includes the beginnings and ends of most portions of Torah or books of Tanach and then moves on to kabbala. This study may complete the kabbalistic process of rectification (tikkun) of the sefirot begun by sefirat ha-omer.
Rationalists, however, may emphasize that the key is to be attentive to Torah all night, not merely to recite tikkun leil Shavuot.
How does this discussion relate to women?
Ben Ish Chai maintains that tikkun leil Shavuot is irrelevant to women. A woman may not attend the bride for kabbalistic reasons, and cannot complete a process begun by counting the omer if she didn’t fulfill that mitzva.
Rav Ya’akov Chayim Sofer, on the other hand, also a kabbalist, points out that women who count the omer should recite tikkun leil Shavuot. He notes that women who did not count the omer should still find something to learn in the spirit of the holiday.
What are the implications for practice?
The viewpoint that women should make an effort to learn Torah Shavuot night finds support among kabbalists and rationalists alike. However, learning Torah all Shavuot night is not a halachic obligation for women or men, and need not include staying up all night, especially if it will interfere with fulfilling mitzvot and proper functioning on Shavuot day.
In Depth
Rav Ezra Bick, Ilana Elzufon, and Shayna Goldberg, eds.
A Night of Torah
Why should someone stay up to learn Torah on Shavuot night?
Shavuot is Zeman Matan Torateinu, the time of receiving our Torah. There are various customs associated with the holiday. One of the more Torah-oriented ones is staying up all night to study Torah.
This practice has its earliest roots in the Zohar:
זוהר ויקרא, אמור צח.
חסידי קדמאי לא הוו ניימי בהאי ליליא והוו לעאן באורייתא ואמרי ניתי לאחסנא ירותא קדישא לן ולבנן …וההוא ליליא כנסת ישראל אתעטרא עלייהו ואתיא לאזדווגא ביה במלכא ר”ש [=רבי שמעון] הכי אמר בשעתא דמתכנשי חברייא בהאי ליליא לגביה ניתי לתקנא תכשיטי כלה בגין דתשתכח למחר בתכשיטהא ותקונהא לגבי מלכא כדקא יאות
Zohar Emor 98a
The ancient pious ones would not sleep on that night but would study the Torah and say “Let us come take possession of the inheritance holy to us and our children….” That night, the Congregation of Yisrael is adorned, and comes to couple with the King…. R. Shimon said thus when fellows gathered with him that night: “Let us come to affix [le-takna] the jewels of the bride so that tomorrow she will be found in her jewels and her adornments for the King, as is fitting.
In kabbalistic works,Torah can be referred to as a tachshit, a jewel. According to the Zohar, the pious learn Torah on Shavuot night in order to adorn or bejewel the kenesset Yisrael, the metaphysical essence of the Jewish people past and present, in preparation for her wedding with God, i.e., renewing the covenant of Sinai.
The introduction to the Zohar tells us that learning on Shavuot also grants a person the merit of being like an indispensable attendant to the wedding at Sinai:
זוהר, הקדמה ח.
… אמר לון רבי שמעון בני זכאה חולקכון בגין דלמחר לא תעול כלה לחופה אלא בהדייכו בגין דכלהו דמתקנין תקונהא בהאי ליליא וחדאן בה כלהו…
Zohar Introduction, 8a
Rabbi Shimon said to them: meritorious is your portion in that tomorrow the bride will only go up to the Chuppa together with you, because everyone adorned her this evening and delighted with her for all of it …
Arizal adds that a person who stays up all Shavuot night to learn Torah will come to no harm in the coming year.1
With incentive on that order, the practice eventually spreads beyond kabbalistic circles. In the seventeenth century, Magen Avraham offers a more straightforward rationale for it, based on a midrash. The midrash states that God found benei Yisrael asleep when it was time to give Israel the Torah:
שיר השירים רבה א:יב
ישנו להם ישראל כל אותו הלילה לפי ששינה של עצרת עריבה והלילה קצרה, … בא הקדוש ברוך הוא ומצאן ישנים התחיל מעמיד עליהם בקלאנין הה”ד [=הדא הוא דכתיב] ויהי ביום השלישי בהיות הבקר ויהי קולות וברקים …א”ר יצחק זה הוא שמקנתרן על ידי ישעיהו שנאמר (ישעיה נ’) מדוע באתי ואין איש קראתי ואין עונה…
Shir Ha-shirim Rabba 1:12
Israel slept all that night because sleep on Shavuot is sweet and the night is short…God came and found them asleep. He began to approach them with noises. That is what is written “And it was on the third day when it was morning and there were sounds and lightning” (Shemot 19:16)…Rav Yitzchak said: This is what they are criticized for by Yeshaya (50:2)), as it is said, “Why did I come and there is no man, I called and there is no response…
The noise that accompanied the giving of Torah served in part to awaken benei Yisrael for that momentous event! Beyond that, though, Yeshaya chastises benei Yisrael for lack of readiness for Torah. Magen Avraham suggests that this shortcoming demands rectification on our part:
מגן אברהם סימן תצד
איתא בזוהר שחסידים הראשונים היו נעורים כל הלילה ועוסקים בתור’ וכבר נהגו רוב הלומדים לעשות כן ואפשר לתת טעם ע”פ [=על פי] פשוטו לפי שישראל היו ישנים כל הלילה והוצרך הקדוש ברוך הוא להעיר אותם כדאיתא במדרש לכן אנו צריכים לתקן זה:
Magen Avraham 494
In the Zohar it is written that the ancient pious ones would stay awake all that night and busy themselves with Torah. Already, most of those who study Torah have the custom to do so. It is possible to provide a reason for this in accordance with a simple reading [as opposed to a kabbalistic one] because Israel were asleep all that night and the Holy One Blessed be He had to awaken them, as is written in the Midrash, therefore we need to remedy this.
Here, we see a rationale not restricted to the pious but open to any learned person who wishes to rectify a missed opportunity of the entire Jewish people. Magen Avraham does not make any special mention of what one should study.
What to Study
In practice, whether or not one’s orientation toward learning on the night of Shavuot is kabbalistic can determine what one studies then. The Zohar gives a rough outline of what one should learn:
זוהר, הקדמה ח.
למהוי עמה כל ההוא ליליא, ולמחדי עמה בתקונהא דאיהי אתתקנת למלעי באורייתא מתורה לנביאים ומנביאים לכתובים ובמדרשות דקראי וברזי דחכמתא …
Zohar Introduction, 8a
To be with her [the bride representing Israel] all that night, and to rejoice with her in her adornment. For she is adorned by the study of Torah from Chumash to Prophets and from Prophets to Writings and midrash of verses and in the hints of wisdom …
Arizal lays out a program of study that builds on the description found in the Zohar, including the beginnings and ends of most portions of Tanach and then moving on to kabbala.2 Reading the beginning and end of each portion is tantamount to reading the whole thing. Rav Ya’akov Chayim Sofer explains that this completes the kabbalistic objective of rectification of the sefirot begun by sefirat ha-omer.3 The same word, tikkun, can mean either rectification or adornment.
כף החיים תצד:ח
והטעם לג’ פסוקים שקורין מכל פרשה בליל חג שבועות לפי שבשבעה שבועות על ידי ספירת העומר נתקנין ז’ ספירות…ונשאר בבחינת הכתר ונצח הוד יסוד וזה נתקנים בליל שבועות על ידי לימוד התנ”ך…ונפקא מינא למי שאי אפשר לו להיות ניעור כל הלילה מאיזה סיבה לפחות ילמוד התנ”ך כדי להשלים התיקון.
Kaf Ha-chayim 494:8
The reason for the three verses that we read from each parsha on the night of the holiday of Shavuot is because during the seven weeks, seven sefirot are rectified through sefirat ha-omer…The Keter, and Netzach, Hod, and Yesod, remain and these are rectified on the night of Shavuot by learning Tanach…The practical implication of this is that someone who is unable to remain awake all night for some reason should at least learn the Tanach [segments of the tikkun] in order to complete the rectification [of the sefirot].
To the Kabbalists, learning specifically tikkun leil Shavuot has great significance in preparing the celestial bride for her wedding covenant. Rationalists, however, prominently Rav Ya’akov Reischer, a contemporary of Magen Avraham, treat tikkun leil Shavuot as a lesser form of Shavuot learning:4
רב יעקב ריישר, חק יעקב תצד
עיקר תקון לא תקנו רק בפני עמי הארץ שאינו יודעין ללמוד
Rav Ya'akov Reischer, Chok Ya'akov 494
The primary tikkun [formal text of tikkun leil Shavuot] was enacted for the ignorant people who do not know how to learn
This comment is more consistent with Magen Avraham’s more populist explanation than with the Zohar’s appeal to the select pious.
Women on Leil Shavuot
How does this discussion relate to women?
If we take a kabbalistic approach, then the question is not just about learning, but about whether a woman recites tikkun leil Shavuot. This question, in turn, may depend on whether women can accompany the Bride or on whether women count the omer. In a responsum, Ben Ish Chai assumes the answer to both is no:
שו”ת רב פעלים א סוד ישרים ט
…המנהג פה בביתינו, שהנשים אין אומרות הלימוד של ליל חג השבועות והם ישנות… ונ”ל בס”ד [ונראה לי בסיעתא דשמיא], הלימוד של ליל חג השבועות לא יאות אלא לזכרים, חדא משום שהם התחילו בתיקון בתחילתו בספירת העומר, והנשים לא נתערבו בתיקון זה של הספירה, והשנית כי הלומדים הלימוד הקדוש הזה של ליל חג השבועות, נחשבין ונקראים שושבינין דמטרוניתא…רק הזכרים יהיו שושבינין דמטרוניתא. ..כדי שלא יהיה נראה נוקבא רדפה בתר דכורא, אלא דכורא רדיף בתר נוקבא.
Responsa Rav Pe'alim I Sod Yesharim 9
The custom here in our home is that the women don’t recite the learning of the night of Shavuot, rather they sleep…It seems to me with the help of Heaven that the learning of Shavuot night is only fitting for males: one, because they began the rectification from the beginning of sefirat ha-omer and women were not involved with this rectification of the sefira, and second, because those who learn this holy learning of the night of Shavuot [i.e., tikkun leil Shavuot], are considered and called attendants of the Lady…Only males should be attendants of the Lady…in order that it not seem that the Feminine is chasing after the Masculine, but that the Masculine chases after the Feminine.
For Ben Ish Chai, a woman does not stay up to recite tikkun leil Shavuot. She may not attend the bride for kabbalistic reasons, and she cannot complete a process begun by counting the omer if she didn’t count the omer to start with (an assumption consistent with his own ruling on the subject).
Rav Ya’akov Chayim Sofer, on the other hand, also a kabbalist, maintains that women who count the omer should recite tikkun leil Shavuot.
כף החיים תצד:ח
ולפי זה גם הנשים הנוהגות לספור העומר… יכולין ללמוד התנ”ך גם כן כיוון שהוא תשלום התיקון של ספירת העומר כנזכר אבל אם אינם סופרות העומר א”צ [=אינן צריכות] ללמוד התנ”ך אלא ילמדו דבר אחר.
Kaf Ha-chayim 494:8
According to this, also women who are accustomed to count theomer…may learn the Tanach [portion of the tikkun] as well since it is a completion of the rectification of sefirat ha-omer as mentioned. But if they do not count the omer, they need not learn the Tanach [from the tikkun] but should learn some other matter.
He notes that other women, who did not count the omer should still find something to learn. His ruling finds a modern echo in the words of Rav Mordechai Eliyahu:5
רב מרדכי אליהו, ליל חג השבועות טו
לימוד נשים – נשים אינן חייבות בתיקון ליל שבועות, ואם הן באות ולומדות תנ”ך וכד’ [=וכדומה] תבוא עליהן ברכה…
Rav Mordechai Eliyahu, The Night of Shavuot, 15
Women’s learning: Women are not obligated in tikkun leil Shavuot, but if they come and learn Tanach and the like a blessing should come upon them….
This type of inclusive viewpoint finds support among kabbalists and rationalists alike.
What are the implications for practice?
There is widespread support for women to learn Torah on the night of Shavuot. This practice is not obligatory, however. Neither women nor men have an obligation to learn all night, and all should consider carefully whether it will interfere with fulfilling mitzvot and proper functioning on Shavuot day. American educator Gabrielle Berger (nee Hiller), makes this point:
Gabrielle Hiller, 'Tikun Leil Shavuot: A Priority?', YU Torah-to-Go, 13 May 2015
A person should also consider the consequences of staying up all night to ensure that it does not interfere with other religious obligations…Shavuot has been established as zman matan Torateinu, the time of the giving of the Torah, and the minhag of Tikkun Leil Shavuot teaches that it is vital to seriously learn and study the Torah that we received. That message is not limited to the night of Shavuot. Rather, it should imbue our perspective of the entire holiday, encouraging us to learn during the day if we are unable to do so during the night.
How can communities make room for more women's learning on leil Shavuot?
Especially at the early end of the evening, communities can gear Torah study toward shiurim open to women and men or to dedicated women’s shiurim. If there is parallel programming for younger children and teens, that can also widen the numbers of women who will be able to participate. Communities can also make sure that there are spaces in which women can sit and learn with each other over the course of the night, and even prepare source sheets to facilitate such learning.
Sometimes married women with children in particular experience Shavuot as difficult, because husbands may sleep in for most of the day, limiting family time together and putting a heavier load on their wives. On Shavuot day, parents in the community, and the community as a whole, stand to benefit if the community pools resources to provide children’s programming or groups over the course of the day to add to the children’s experience of the day and to help ensure that staying up late does not come at the children’s or caretaker’s expense, and everyone should plan the holiday carefully in advance so as to maximize its potential.
Further Reading
- Auerbach, Rav David, Halichot Beitah 19:3
- Brofsky, Rav David, “The Customs of Shavuot.” VBM Shiur.
- Hiller, Gabrielle, “Tikun Leil Shavuot: A Priority?” YU Torah-to-Go, 13 May, 2015.
אריז”ל, שער הכוונות חג השבועות: א
שצריך האדם שלא לישן בלילה הזאת כלל ולהיות כל הלילה נעורים ועוסקים בתורה …ודע כי כל מי שלא ישן בלילה הזאת כלל אפי’ רגע אחד ויהיה עוסק בתורה כל הלילה מובטח לו שישלים שנתו ולא יארע לו שום נזק בשנה ההיא …
Arizal, Sha'ar Ha-kavvanot Shavuot 1
That a person needs not to sleep at all on this night and to be awake the entire night and occupied with Torah…Know that anyone who does not sleep at all on this night, even for one moment, and is occupied with Torah all the night is promised to complete his year and that no harm will befall him that year…
אריז”ל, שער הכוונות חג השבועות: א
וזהו הסדר של המקרא שתעסוק בו בלילה הזה כדי להמשיך הכתר הנז’ [=הנזכר] תתחיל מפר’ [=מפרשת] בראשית ותקרא פ’ בראשית עד אלה תולדות השמים והארץ בהבראם כו’ ואח”כ [ואחר כך] תדלג ותקרא ג’ פסוקים האחרונים של בראשית ומשם ואילך תקרא ג’ פסוקים הראשונים וג’ האחרונים מכל פרשה ופרש’ …וכשתסיים לקרוא כל הפרשיות על הסדר תקרא כל נביא ונביא וכל כתוב וכתוב מן הכתובים ע”ד הנז’ [=על דרך הנזכר] ג’ פסוקים ראשונים וג’ אחרונים שבכל א’ וא’ מהם עד שתסיים כל הכ”ד ספרים. …וזהו הסדר המוכרח בענין המקרא ואח”כ [ואחר כך] שאר הלילה בסודות התורה ובס’ [ובספר] הזוהר כפי השגת שכלך:
Arizal, Sha’ar Ha-kavvanot Shavuot 1
This is the order of Scripture with which you should occupy yourself on this night in order to draw out the Keter as mentioned. Begin from Parashat Bereishit and read Parashat Bereishit until “These are the generations of heaven and earth when they were created…” and afterwards skip and read the last three verses of Bereishit. From there on, read the first three and last three verses of every parasha. When you finish reading all the parshiot in order, read each Navi and everything that is written in Ketuvim in the same manner, the first three and last three verses of each one, until you finish all 24 books [of Tanach]. And this is the necessary order in the matter of Scripture, and afterward for the rest of the night [you should occupy yourself with] the secrets of the Torah and the book of the Zohar in accordance with what your mind can grasp.
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A Night of Torah
זוהר ויקרא, אמור צח.
חסידי קדמאי לא הוו ניימי בהאי ליליא והוו לעאן באורייתא ואמרי ניתי לאחסנא ירותא קדישא לן ולבנן …וההוא ליליא כנסת ישראל אתעטרא עלייהו ואתיא לאזדווגא ביה במלכא ר”ש [=רבי שמעון] הכי אמר בשעתא דמתכנשי חברייא בהאי ליליא לגביה ניתי לתקנא תכשיטי כלה בגין דתשתכח למחר בתכשיטהא ותקונהא לגבי מלכא כדקא יאות
Zohar Emor 98a
The ancient pious ones would not sleep on that night but would study the Torah and say “Let us come take possession of the inheritance holy to us and our children….” That night, the Congregation of Yisrael is adorned, and comes to couple with the King…. R. Shimon said thus when fellows gathered with him that night: “Let us come to affix [le-takna] the jewels of the bride so that tomorrow she will be found in her jewels and her adornments for the King, as is fitting.
זוהר, הקדמה ח.
… אמר לון רבי שמעון בני זכאה חולקכון בגין דלמחר לא תעול כלה לחופה אלא בהדייכו בגין דכלהו דמתקנין תקונהא בהאי ליליא וחדאן בה כלהו…
Zohar Introduction, 8a
Rabbi Shimon said to them: meritorious is your portion in that tomorrow the bride will only go up to the Chuppa together with you, because everyone adorned her this evening and delighted with her for all of it …
שיר השירים רבה א:יב
ישנו להם ישראל כל אותו הלילה לפי ששינה של עצרת עריבה והלילה קצרה, … בא הקדוש ברוך הוא ומצאן ישנים התחיל מעמיד עליהם בקלאנין הה”ד [=הדא הוא דכתיב] ויהי ביום השלישי בהיות הבקר ויהי קולות וברקים …א”ר יצחק זה הוא שמקנתרן על ידי ישעיהו שנאמר (ישעיה נ’) מדוע באתי ואין איש קראתי ואין עונה…
Shir Ha-shirim Rabba 1:12
Israel slept all that night because sleep on Shavuot is sweet and the night is short…God came and found them asleep. He began to approach them with noises. That is what is written “And it was on the third day when it was morning and there were sounds and lightning” (Shemot 19:16)…Rav Yitzchak said: This is what they are criticized for by Yeshaya (50:2)), as it is said, “Why did I come and there is no man, I called and there is no response…
מגן אברהם סימן תצד
איתא בזוהר שחסידים הראשונים היו נעורים כל הלילה ועוסקים בתור’ וכבר נהגו רוב הלומדים לעשות כן ואפשר לתת טעם ע”פ [=על פי] פשוטו לפי שישראל היו ישנים כל הלילה והוצרך הקדוש ברוך הוא להעיר אותם כדאיתא במדרש לכן אנו צריכים לתקן זה:
Magen Avraham 494
In the Zohar it is written that the ancient pious ones would stay awake all that night and busy themselves with Torah. Already, most of those who study Torah have the custom to do so. It is possible to provide a reason for this in accordance with a simple reading [as opposed to a kabbalistic one] because Israel were asleep all that night and the Holy One Blessed be He had to awaken them, as is written in the Midrash, therefore we need to remedy this.
What to Study
זוהר, הקדמה ח.
למהוי עמה כל ההוא ליליא, ולמחדי עמה בתקונהא דאיהי אתתקנת למלעי באורייתא מתורה לנביאים ומנביאים לכתובים ובמדרשות דקראי וברזי דחכמתא …
Zohar Introduction, 8a
To be with her [the bride representing Israel] all that night, and to rejoice with her in her adornment. For she is adorned by the study of Torah from Chumash to Prophets and from Prophets to Writings and midrash of verses and in the hints of wisdom …
כף החיים תצד:ח
והטעם לג’ פסוקים שקורין מכל פרשה בליל חג שבועות לפי שבשבעה שבועות על ידי ספירת העומר נתקנין ז’ ספירות…ונשאר בבחינת הכתר ונצח הוד יסוד וזה נתקנים בליל שבועות על ידי לימוד התנ”ך…ונפקא מינא למי שאי אפשר לו להיות ניעור כל הלילה מאיזה סיבה לפחות ילמוד התנ”ך כדי להשלים התיקון.
Kaf Ha-chayim 494:8
The reason for the three verses that we read from each parsha on the night of the holiday of Shavuot is because during the seven weeks, seven sefirot are rectified through sefirat ha-omer…The Keter, and Netzach, Hod, and Yesod, remain and these are rectified on the night of Shavuot by learning Tanach…The practical implication of this is that someone who is unable to remain awake all night for some reason should at least learn the Tanach [segments of the tikkun] in order to complete the rectification [of the sefirot].
רב יעקב ריישר, חק יעקב תצד
עיקר תקון לא תקנו רק בפני עמי הארץ שאינו יודעין ללמוד
Rav Ya'akov Reischer, Chok Ya'akov 494
The primary tikkun [formal text of tikkun leil Shavuot] was enacted for the ignorant people who do not know how to learn
Women on Leil Shavuot
שו”ת רב פעלים א סוד ישרים ט
…המנהג פה בביתינו, שהנשים אין אומרות הלימוד של ליל חג השבועות והם ישנות… ונ”ל בס”ד [ונראה לי בסיעתא דשמיא], הלימוד של ליל חג השבועות לא יאות אלא לזכרים, חדא משום שהם התחילו בתיקון בתחילתו בספירת העומר, והנשים לא נתערבו בתיקון זה של הספירה, והשנית כי הלומדים הלימוד הקדוש הזה של ליל חג השבועות, נחשבין ונקראים שושבינין דמטרוניתא…רק הזכרים יהיו שושבינין דמטרוניתא. ..כדי שלא יהיה נראה נוקבא רדפה בתר דכורא, אלא דכורא רדיף בתר נוקבא.
Responsa Rav Pe'alim I Sod Yesharim 9
The custom here in our home is that the women don’t recite the learning of the night of Shavuot, rather they sleep…It seems to me with the help of Heaven that the learning of Shavuot night is only fitting for males: one, because they began the rectification from the beginning of sefirat ha-omer and women were not involved with this rectification of the sefira, and second, because those who learn this holy learning of the night of Shavuot [i.e., tikkun leil Shavuot], are considered and called attendants of the Lady…Only males should be attendants of the Lady…in order that it not seem that the Feminine is chasing after the Masculine, but that the Masculine chases after the Feminine.
כף החיים תצד:ח
ולפי זה גם הנשים הנוהגות לספור העומר… יכולין ללמוד התנ”ך גם כן כיוון שהוא תשלום התיקון של ספירת העומר כנזכר אבל אם אינם סופרות העומר א”צ [=אינן צריכות] ללמוד התנ”ך אלא ילמדו דבר אחר.
Kaf Ha-chayim 494:8
According to this, also women who are accustomed to count theomer…may learn the Tanach [portion of the tikkun] as well since it is a completion of the rectification of sefirat ha-omer as mentioned. But if they do not count the omer, they need not learn the Tanach [from the tikkun] but should learn some other matter.
רב מרדכי אליהו, ליל חג השבועות טו
לימוד נשים – נשים אינן חייבות בתיקון ליל שבועות, ואם הן באות ולומדות תנ”ך וכד’ [=וכדומה] תבוא עליהן ברכה…
Rav Mordechai Eliyahu, The Night of Shavuot, 15
Women’s learning: Women are not obligated in tikkun leil Shavuot, but if they come and learn Tanach and the like a blessing should come upon them….
Gabrielle Hiller, 'Tikun Leil Shavuot: A Priority?', YU Torah-to-Go, 13 May 2015
A person should also consider the consequences of staying up all night to ensure that it does not interfere with other religious obligations…Shavuot has been established as zman matan Torateinu, the time of the giving of the Torah, and the minhag of Tikkun Leil Shavuot teaches that it is vital to seriously learn and study the Torah that we received. That message is not limited to the night of Shavuot. Rather, it should imbue our perspective of the entire holiday, encouraging us to learn during the day if we are unable to do so during the night.
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Hashkafic Q&A
How can communities make room for more women's learning on leil Shavuot?
Especially at the early end of the evening, communities can gear Torah study toward shiurim open to women and men or to dedicated women’s shiurim. If there is parallel programming for younger children and teens, that can also widen the numbers of women who will be able to participate. Communities can also make sure that there are spaces in which women can sit and learn with each other over the course of the night, and even prepare source sheets to facilitate such learning.
Sometimes married women with children women in particular experience Shavuot as difficult, because husbands may sleep in for most of the day, limiting family time together and putting a heavier load on their wives. On Shavuot day, parents of the community, and the community as a whole, stand to benefit if the community pools resources to provide children’s programming or groups over the course of the day to add to the children’s experience of the day and to help ensure that staying up late does not come at the children’s or caretaker’s expense, and everyone should plan the holiday carefully in advance so as to maximize its potential.
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