Our latest podcast was dedicated in honor of Ilana Abramson’s birthday by her daughter, Raphaela
Click here to dedicate a podcast episode.
For episode descriptions, click on the “i” under each episode’s play time.
Kol Deracheha is the official podcast of Deracheha.org, bringing our source-based approach to women and mitzvot straight to your ears.
Our name comes from the pasuk in Mishlei 3:10, which says “be-chol derachecha da’ehu.” “In all your ways, know God.” We’ve changed that to Kol Deracheha, which means “all her ways,” and also “the voice of Deracheha.”
With a mix of audio-shiurim and conversations, Kol Deracheha can inspire you wherever you walk on the pathways of Torah.
Check it out!