Dedicated in Loving Memory of Helen Kaplan
Learning Torah
Learning Torah I
What is the mitzva of learning Torah? And for women?
Learning Torah II
What Torah does a woman have to learn?
Learning Torah III
How and why did text study open up to women?
Prayer I
What is the mitzva of prayer? Are women obligated to pray?
Prayer II
Shemoneh Esrei
Shemoneh Esrei
Do women have to recite Shemoneh Esrei? How often?
Prayer III
Upon Arising
Upon Arising
What should women say after waking up? Birchot ha-Torah?
Prayer IV
Birchot Ha-shachar
Birchot Ha-shachar
Must women recite birchot ha-shachar? 100 berachot a day?
She-lo asani isha
she-asani kirtzono
she-asani kirtzono
Why do we say “She-lo asani isha” or “She-asani kirtzono?”
Korbanot and
Pesukei De-zimra
Pesukei De-zimra
What are korbanot and Pesukei De-zimra? For women?
Prayer VII
Keri'at Shema
Keri'at Shema
What is the mitzva of Keri’at Shema for women?
keri'at shema
keri'at shema
Should a woman say Birchot Keri’at Shema?
prayer IX
end and Priorities
end and Priorities
What’sto say after Shemoneh Esrei? What takes priority?
Communal prayer I
What is a minyan for? Who counts and why?
Communal prayer II
Tefilla be-tzibbur
Tefilla be-tzibbur
Who can participate in or lead communal prayer?
Tzitzit and Tefillin
Tzitzit I
Keli Gever
Keli Gever
Would a woman in tzitzit violate keli gever?
Tzitzit II
What else might be at issue when a woman wears tzitzit?
Tefillin I
What is the mitzva of tefillin? Why are women exempt?
Tefillin II
Guf Naki
Guf Naki
How is guf naki connected to tefillin for men and women?
Tefillin III
In Practice
In Practice
What are the practical halachic rulings on women and tefillin?
Torah Reading
Keri'at Ha-Torah I
The Reading
The Reading
What is the nature of the obligation to read the Torah? For women?
keri'at ha-torah II
The Aliya
The Aliya
How does the aliya work? With a ba'al korei? What is the halacha of women’s readings?
Keri'at Ha-torah III
Kevod Ha-tzibbur
Kevod Ha-tzibbur
What is kevod ha-tzibbur? Can it be waived or pushed aside? How does this affect women?
Mechitza and Gender Separation
mechitza I
Why is gender separation a part of prayer? What purpose does the mechitza serve?
Mechitza II
What are the structural requirements for a women’s section?
Mechitza III
Separation in Society
Separation in Society
When do we need a mechitza or gender separation outside of prayer?
Birkat Ha-Mazon and Zimmun
Birkat Ha-mazon
What is the mitzva of birkat ha-mazon? What is the nature of women’s obligation to recite it?
Zimmun I
What is the mitzva of zimmun? When are women obligated in zimmun?
Zimmun II
May men and women combine to form a zimmun? A zimmun be-Shem? What is the text?
Kol Isha
Kol Isha I
Halachic Basis
Halachic Basis
How does Halacha view song, and how does this affect kol isha? When and to which type of voice does kol isha apply?
Kol Isha II
Mutual Responsibility
Mutual Responsibility
What are men’s and women’s responsibilities with respect to kol isha? May a woman freely sing or listen to a man singing?
Kol Isha III
In COntext
In COntext
How do contextual factors affect application of kol isha? Is the halacha different in a religious context?
Dress I
The Basics
The Basics
What purposes does clothing serve? How does this relate to tzeniut and Halacha?
Dress II
The Details
The Details
What are the more specific halachic parameters for women’s clothing?
Dress III
More Details
More Details
How does erva affect the laws of women’s clothing? What are the halachot of pants?
Dress IV
Keli Gever
Keli Gever
What is the prohibition of keli gever, wearing a male article? How does it relate to intent?
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