Leaving strands of hair out of hair covering


If a newly married women wants to keep the halachot of hair covering strictly is she able to leave strands of hair out at the front that frame her face? Does it depend how long they are etc?

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Asked on December 2, 2024 1:19 pm
Private answer

The answer to your question depends on what the newlywed woman and her community mean by “strictly.” According to some strict practices, a woman never lets any hairs show whatsoever.

There are significant halachic views, however, according to which this would be acceptable. Maharam Alashkar (prominent halachic authority of 15th-16th c., Egypt and Yerushalayim) permitted women to leave hair out at the temples, and his ruling can be understood to allow for a fringe (bangs). If they’re cut at a fringe length, strands framing the face could fall under this category. Rav Moshe Feinstein permitted a woman to leave up to a tefach of hair uncovered, which can be understood as hair up to an area of 64-92 square centimeters. A few strands at the sides of the head would not themselves add up to more than that. Learn more here.

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Answered on October 26, 2021 1:14 pm