Is there a make up prayer?


What should someone do if she misses praying?

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Asked on December 2, 2024 1:20 pm
Private answer

Halacha provides us with an opportunity to make up missed prayers, known as tefillat tashlumin. Usually, this means that after missing a prayer, a person recites Shemoneh Esrei twice in the time window for the following prayer. The first fulfills the current obligation and the second (typically preceded by Ashrei) is a makeup (typically with Ashrei between them):

Shulchan Aruch OC 108:1-2
If one erred or was subject to circumstances outside his control and did not recite Shacharit, he recites Mincha [Shemoneh Esrei] twice: The first is Mincha and the second is a make up prayer….
If he erred and did not recite Mincha, he recites Ma’ariv [Shemoneh Esrei] twice: the first is Ma’ariv and the second a make up. If he erred and did not recite Ma’ariv, he recites Shacharit [Shemoneh Esrei] twice:

This law is relevant to women who usually do succeed in reciting Shemoneh Esrei at least once a day.

A woman who usually recites Shemoneh Esrei in the morning but on a given day does not manage to recite it before chatzot, halachic midday, should ideally recite Shemoneh Esrei twice at Mincha time. So too, a woman who usually recites Mincha, but misses one, should ideally recite two Shemoneh Esreis at Ma’ariv. This is the case even if she does not usually recite Ma’ariv.

For example, Mishna Berura rules that if a woman missed Shacharit on a Friday, she should make an effort to recite the weekday mincha prior to lighting Shabbat candles, with which she accepts Shabbat. If there’s not enough time for that, though, she should recite Ma’ariv twice.

Mishna Berura 263
She should recite Mincha first [before candle-lighting] since she already accepts Shabbat [with lighting], she can no longer recite the weekday prayer. When there is no time for this, it is better that she recite Ma’ariv [Shemoneh Esrei] twice.

Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach rules this way for weekdays, and adds that, if a woman usually does recite Ma’ariv, even though she is not obligated to recite Ma’ariv because women are exempt, she may be stringent and recite Shemoneh Esrei twice at Shacharit.

Halichot Shlomo, Tefilla, 13:8, 14
A woman who is accustomed to pray Mincha and forgot, since she is obligated to make up for it, should recite Ma’ariv—even though she is not accustomed to recite it—and make up Mincha [Shemoneh Esrei] afterwards, but after Shacharit [the next day] she cannot make it up.
A woman with the practice to recite Ma’ariv regularly and forgot to recite it, it follows that she does not have to make it up at Shacharit, but is permitted to be stringent upon herself and make it up.

If a woman doesn’t recite tefillat tashlumin in the prayer service immediately following her missed tefilla, there are no further steps to take. She retroactively relies on the more lenient views regarding women’s obligation to pray.

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Answered on June 2, 2019 7:50 pm