Sometimes a quick exchange communicates more effectively, and more personally, than an article.
Sometimes, just seeing that others share our questions can make us feel more connected.
Our posted questions and answers are an opportunity to learn from each other.
Keep in mind that each questioner’s situation may be unique, in ways that affect the halachah. Even the tone of a question can affect the tone of an answer.
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When should I recite Shema and Ha-mapil if we are planning to be intimate?
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What should someone do if she misses praying?
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I would find it meaningful to add the imahot into the first beracha of my shemoneh esrai. Is that permissible?
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Are there halachot about holding a baby during davening? Does the age of the baby change things? Is there a difference when using a carrier, especially a back carrier? Are the halachot the same for men?
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