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I would find it meaningful to add the imahot into the first beracha of my shemoneh esrai. Is that permissible?
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We empathize with the desire to invoke the imahot (the matriarchs) in prayer, both for their own spiritual greatness and for their contributions to the greatness of the avot (forefathers). In practice, we treat much of the language of tefillot as fixed and unalterable. Here too, halacha precludes adding the names of the imahot to the beginning of the shemoneh esrai. In that first beracha, God is described as “God of Avraham, God of Yitzchak, God of Ya’akov.” Shulchan Aruch 113:9 rules that adding to the descriptions of God there is prohibited: See more Q&A here. Marked as spam