You talk about complementary roles, but you don’t say what they are?

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Asked on December 2, 2024 1:20 pm
Private answer

If women and men have complementary roles, that allows for overlap and for differences. For example, we reference Rav Yitzchak Arama’s position that men and women share a goal of pursuing loving-kindness and developing their rational faculties, but that women have an additional purpose tied to motherhood. Kabbalistic views on masculine and feminine include a view of activity (for masculinity) and receptivity (for femininity). But kabbalistic texts also suggest that individual men and women have different balances of feminine and masculine elements. We touch on Rav Soloveitchick’s perspective in our Introduction, and discuss the relationship of a woman to the home in Three Special Mitzvot.

When Halacha does not mandate a specific role or action, there is room for interpreting gender roles in different ways. Deracheha takes a Halacha-oriented approach to these issues. We explore each area of Halacha to determine where roles overlap and where they differ.

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Answered on December 11, 2018 3:38 pm