Tefilla Be-tzibbur for Women


What is your conceptual understanding of the significance of Tefilla B’tzibbur for women, where women aren’t technically part of that tzibbur?

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Asked on November 13, 2019 8:51 am
Private answer

The role of contributing to the formation of a minyan (quorum of ten men) for prayer is distinct from participating in the tzibbur (community). For example, a man who chooses to pray along with the tzibbur from a building adjacent to the synagogue is considered to be a part of the tzibbur, but generally cannot count as one of the ten for minyan. (Shulchan Aruch OC 55:14, 20 and commentaries there). In other words, while women do not count for minyan for tefilla be-tzibbur (communal prayer), women are part of the tzibbur.

For this reason, women who attend a minyan have the benefit of hearing and answering to devarim she-bikdusha (elements of the service that require a minyan) such as kaddish, kedusha, etc. as well as other spiritual benefits of being a part of a group who prays. (For some of these, see Berachot 8a.)
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Answered on November 13, 2019 8:56 am