How do shifts in how Torah is transmitted affect women?


In the introduction, you say there’s been a change in the transmission of Torah. There’s less reliance on custom and community and more on texts.

What are some examples of how this affects women?

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Asked on December 2, 2024 1:20 pm
Private answer

Nowadays, young women learn in Jewish high schools. The schools have dress codes. The dress codes do not say “Dress like your mother” or even “Dress like your mother says you should.” All of these statements reflect a shift away from giving weight to informal transmission of mesora.
Another example is kallot preparing for marriage. It is increasingly rare for a bride to learn the laws of nidda from her mother, and increasingly common for her to learn from some combination of kalla teacher and halacha book. (There are advantages and disadvantages to this change.)
A shift in center of gravity away from the home and toward the synagogue may also account in part for the increased attention to women’s experience of the synagogue.

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Answered on October 8, 2018 4:22 am