Sometimes a quick exchange communicates more effectively, and more personally, than an article.
Sometimes, just seeing that others share our questions can make us feel more connected.
Our posted questions and answers are an opportunity to learn from each other.
Keep in mind that each questioner’s situation may be unique, in ways that affect the halachah. Even the tone of a question can affect the tone of an answer.
Hi - I've always wondered how women can say the following line in benching: "al brischa shechasamta bevsarenu" - on the covenant that you circumcised on our flesh. Obviously this is not relevant for women, why is this included in our benching as well...
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Would you have the text for the Zimun for women? Is this a subject to which you could turn your attention in the near future? Thank you very much for your great work!
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Hi When we bless our children in bircat hamazon, we say "זרעי"-- literally "my seed." Is that really appropriate for a woman to say? Clearly this language was formulated for men who their children are really their seed. For women, is there no other t...
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In the past when we did such things, I often went to various synagogues for Shabbat dinner and [usually] to hear a speaker. When my grandchildren were young, we had the custom of benching after the main course, and then saying a before and after bles...
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Are women obligated in al ha-michya?
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