Menstruation & Shabbat
What are the halachot of managing menstrual pain, cleaning off blood, and using menstrual products on Shabbat? To what cases
What are the halachot of managing menstrual pain, cleaning off blood, and using menstrual products on Shabbat? To what cases
Back to Kiddush II: Practical Issues What is the nature of the obligation to eat on Shabbat and Yom Tov?
Back to Sukkot I: Lulav What is the mitzva of dwelling in a sukka? To whom does it apply? In
What is the mitzva of taking arba’at ha-minim on Sukkot? Who takes arba’at ha-minim? What are the halachot of Hoshanot,
Learn about Shofar in Elul here. What are Selichot? Are women obligated to recite them? Do they require a minyan?
Back to Candle-Lighting I: Who, What, Where At what time do we light candles? How does this relate to accepting
Back to Three Mitzvot I and Three Mitzvot II What is the mitzva of Lighting Shabbat and Yom Tov candles?
What is the mitzva of havdala? Are women obligated in it? May a woman recite havdala for herself or others?
Back to Kiddush I: Obligation Can someone eat before kiddush? Does a woman recite or respond to she-hechiyyanu in Yom
Dedicated by Lucie and Ephraim Freudenberger in honor of their wedding What is the mitzva of kiddush on Shabbat and
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