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All categories Concepts - Beracha on Voluntary Performance - Discharging Obligations - Halacha a User's Guide - Halachic Status - Introduction - Overall Status - Positive Time-Bound Mitzvot - Three Mitzvot 1: The Group - Three Mitzvot 2: The Mitzvot - Tzeniut - Voluntary Mitzva Performance Constants - Birkat Ha-mazon -- obligation-birkat-hamazon -- Zimmun - Birkat HaGomel - Communal Prayer -- Minyan -- Tefilla Be-tzibbur - Gender Mixing -- Prayer: Mehitzah -- Religious Settings -- Social Settings -- Work - Kaddish - Keri'at Ha-Torah -- Contact with Sefer Torah - Kol Isha -- Kol Isha I: Halachic Basis -- Kol Isha II: Mutual Responsibility -- Kol Isha III: In Context - Learning Torah -- 1: Exemption -- 2: Obligation -- 3: Openings -- 4-What to Study - Mechitza -- Mechitza for Prayer -- Mechitza in Society - Prayer -- 1: Obligation -- 2: Shemoneh Esrai -- 3: Upon Arising -- 4: Birchot Ha-shachar -- 6: Pesukei De-zimra -- 7: Shema -- 8: Birchot Shema -- 9: End and Priorities -- She-lo Asani Isha, She-asani Kirtzono - Self-Presentation -- Dress --- Keli Gever --- The Basics --- The Details -- Movement -- Singing - Tefillin -- Guf Naki -- Tefillin 1: Exemption -- Tefillin III: In Practice - Tzitzit -- 1: Keli Gever -- 2: Yuhara Passages - Girlhood -- Bat Mitzva -- Birth -- Chinuch-Educating for Mitzvot - Jewish Communal Roles -- Craftsperson -- Mohel -- Niddah Related -- Rabbi -- Rebbitzen -- Role Model -- Scribe -- Teacher - Marriage -- Divorce -- Head-Covering --- Halachic Basis --- How --- Rationale and Meaning --- Where --- Who -- Intimacy -- Ketuba -- Kiddushin -- Marital Relationship -- Nissuin -- Sheva Berachot -- Wedding Ceremony -- Wedding Day - Motherhood -- Child Rearing -- Childbirth and Postpartum -- Contraception -- Nursing -- Procreation -- Responsibilities to the Adult Child - The Final Passage -- End of Life -- Funeral -- Mourning -- Widowhood - Womanhood -- Aging -- Halachah and the Single Woman -- Hessed -- Honoring Parents -- Negi'ah -- Yihud Seasons - Candle-Lighting - Days of Fasting or Mourning -- Exemptions from Fasting -- Fast Days -- Omer -- The 3 Weeks and the 9 Days -- Tish'ah BeAv - Elul -- Selichot -- Shofar in Elul - Festivals -- Af Hen: Inclusion in the Miracle -- Chanuka -- Hol HaMoed -- Pesach --- The Seder -- Purim --- Arba Parashiyot -- Rosh HaShanah --- Blowing Shofar --- The Mitzva of Shofar -- Shavuot --- Tikkun Leil Shavuot -- Simchat Torah --- Dancing with the Torah -- Sukkot -- Yom Kippur --- Erev Yom Kippur -- Yom Tov - Hallel - Israeli Holidays - Mussaf - Rosh Chodesh - Sefirat Ha-omer - Shabbat and Yom Tov -- Cosmetics on Shabbat -- Hadlakat HaNer -- Havdala -- Kiddush -- Lehem Mishneh -- Menstruation and Shabbat -- Shabbat and Yom Tov Meals