Questions (104)

Sometimes a quick exchange communicates more effectively, and more personally, than an article. Sometimes, just seeing that others share our questions can make us feel more connected. Our posted questions and answers are an opportunity to learn from each other. Keep in mind that each questioner’s situation may be unique, in ways that affect the halachah. Even the tone of a question can affect the tone of an answer.
Hi! Until what age can girls daven with their fathers in the men's section? Are there any Halachic sources on this? Is there room for leniency until Bat Mitzvah?
Are we obligated to have children? Does our level of obligation change once we get married? I would like to know more!
My hair is always covered in public and mostly at home as well. My question is that I’m considering joining a week long event abroad and it consists mainly of non Jews. I want to be able to go uncovered for the week, and then resume covering once I’m...
Hi, I love outdoor activities, and recently I've wanted to take surfing lessons. I usually fully cover my hair but I can't imagine surfing in a full tichel or wig, and I was wondering if there's any room to wear a tight headband instead?